Sunday, November 30, 2008

" Govt Knew EVERYTHING "

Hundreds of lives were lost in the Mumbai terror attacks. Many victims are still struggling between life and death in hospital.

As investigations into the attacks gather momentum , warnings were given to the Maharashtra government by intelligence agencies as early as March this year.

But the warnings seem to have been ignored. It is to be noted that the last one was just twenty-four hours before the attack.

In March 2008, intelligence agencies had warned the Maharashtra government that the Gateway of India and Oberoi Trident hotel were potential targets. This was revealed by Fahim Ansari who was arrested in Lucknow.

Later in August, intelligence agencies warned the crime branch that the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) was training terrorists for attacks through sea.

On August 21, the Fishermen Union complained to police that illegal permissions were issued to 800 Gujarati trawlers. Majority of the crewmen were Bangladeshis. The Union feared that RDX was being trafficked through those trawlers and they also informed the Government that RDX was smuggled for sure.

Then in September, the Maharashtra state police was again warned of potential attacks on the Taj and Oberoi Trident hotels. Agencies also mentioned that terrorists were doing recces of the targets. Following that, a month later, intelligence agencies warned of a sea-borne attack and said an Indian, unmarked vessel might be used.

Finally, on November 18, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) again issued a warning to the Coast Guard, Navy and Maharashtra Police that the Taj and Oberoi were potential targets.


This is the spirit of mumbai...

Of course we all will surely get back to our own routine .. of course we will talk about the spirit of mumbai... But we will NOT FORGET THIS TIME.

What is the govt doing when he gets information about all this thats going to happpen... IS he waiting and saying " AREE JAB HOGA TAK DEKHA JAYEGA " Is this the attitude of the Govt who runs the nation.. Then WE ARE SORRY, we dont want such a govt

SO - We all pledge today " WE WILL NOT FORGET "

This country needs a revolution , a revolution which will ensure that the well meaning patriots of this country take over the reigns of the country, self righteous idiots are forced into oblivion ...........Jai Hind


Thursday, November 20, 2008

As you got up this morning.....

As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to
me, even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me
for something good that happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed
you were too busy, trying to find the right outfit to wear.

When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few
minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point
you had to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair.
Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me but
you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. I
watched patiently all day long. With all our activities I guess you were too busy
to say anything to me.

I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed
to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or
four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me
briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more
time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet.

You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few
of them were done, you turned on the TV. I don't know if you like TV or
not, just about anything goes there and you spend a lot of time each day
in front of it not thinking about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited
patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again
you didn't talk to me.

Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said good night to your
family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay
because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got
patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how
to be patient with others as well.

I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought,
or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided

Well, you are getting up once again. Once again I will wait, with nothing
but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some time. Have a
nice day!

Your friend,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tips for an Exceptional, Superb and Powerful Life

1) Take a 20-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant.

2) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Lock the door if you have to.

3) Always pray and make time to exercise.

4) Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.

5) Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less foods that are processed in factories.

6) Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat broccoli, almonds and walnuts.

7) Try to make at least three people smile every day.

8) Clear your clutter from your house, car, desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.

9) Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.

10) Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the school curriculum that appear and fade away...but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

11) Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a layman and dinner like a beggar.

12) Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

13) Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

14) Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

15) You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

16) Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

17) Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

18) Ladies - Stop waiting for a special occasion. Every day is special.

19) No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

20) Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

21) Forgive everyone for everything.

22) What other people think of you is none of your business.

23) Time heals almost everything. Give time – time!

24) However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

25) Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.

26) Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

27) Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. God provides, remember!

28) The best is yet to come.

29) No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

30) Do the right thing!

31) Call your family often.

32) Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: 'I am thankful for __________.
'Today' I accomplished _________.

33) Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

34) Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not a Disney World. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it
and enjoy the ride.

LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH. LIFE'S a gift. That's why it's called PRESENT.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Believe !!!

Ask, Believe, Receive - just three simple steps to create what you want. However, very often the second step, believe, can be the most difficult one. And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take. When you master believing, you have mastered your life.

To master believing, all you have to do is tip the balance of your thoughts, words, and actions, from 'not believing' to believing. The ONLY thing that can ever get in the way of manifesting what you want, is having more thoughts of 'not believing', speaking more words of 'not believing', and taking more actions of 'not believing', than you are of believing. Base the majority of your thoughts, words, and actions in believing, and the law of attraction must obey you.

Believing contains no doubt. Believing does not waiver. Believing is absolute faith. Believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An interesting article

LATELY, I have been thinking a lot about the Lehman crisis . Spending money that they didn't have and going beyond their means is one of the main reasons for their situation today. In fact that is the cause for the current economic crisis in the US.

When I see all this happening, I can only remember the good old days. Then, karz was bad. People looked down upon those who took loans. Parents would not give their daughter's hand in marriage to a man with loans.

But of course, the times have changed now. Everyone I know has a loan. The buzz word is EMI (equated monthly installment). Today, you can buy
everything on EMI - a house, a television, even an i-Pod. In fact I know of someone who just bought a fancy BMW 3 series on EMI, instead of buying a cheaper car outright with cash. I mostly prefer to take public transport, but then I am an old man with old thoughts!

Anyway, coming back to what caused the crisis. Imagine having Rs 2 lakh in your bank account, no regular income, yet buying a house worth Rs 65 lakh, in the hope of selling it for a higher price. Even if the price of the house fell by just 5 per cent (that is Rs 3 lakh), you will go bankrupt. This is what Lehman Brothers did; with around USD 20 billion they went and bought assets worth over USD 600 billion. Isn't it suicidal and simply foolish?

I am sure things would have been different, had I been the head of Lehman brothers. But who wants an old conservative man like me to head a complex financial institution.

But there are a few lessons that we can learn:

1.Live a balanced life and avoid overspending.

2.Don't buy things we don't need.

3.Don't buy Branded goods.

4.Don't buy excess Food, Cloths, Cosmetics, Footwear, electronics and Fashion accuracies just think before you buy.
Tip: World still has a lot of growth ahead and the future holds immense

opportunities for us. Let us make the most of it and save and invest it
wisely instead of wasting our precious little on things we don't need.

5.Try to balance life with work (No one is happy to work in their professions).

6. Don't stress out your self, after work try to do some extra activities like swimming, yoga, walking, running where you can divert your mind from stress.
A thumb rule: Health is more important than money.

7.Try to understand each other (Wife and Husband) in financial matters and help each other.

Tip: As soon as you get your monthly salary, set aside a fixed amount,
usually 35 per cent, for insurance, savings and investments. You can then spend the rest.

8. Not all loans are bad. Loans that are 'need based' (home loans,
education loans) can always find a place in your finances against those
that are largely 'want based' (Credit cards, personal loans, car loans).

9. Borrow only if repayment is financially comfortable.
A thumb rule: Keep EMIs within 35 to 45 per cent of your monthly income

In that respect, there is one American who I really respect - Warren
Buffet. He has lived in the same ordinary house for over three decades,
drives his own medium sized car and leads an extremely regular 'middle
class' life. If that's all it takes for the richest person on earth to be happy, why do all of us need to take extra stress just so that we can get things which aren't even essential?

You can't have a rainbow; without the rain !!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our FAMILY Trip to Rajasthan....

Gelllllll ----- ing Together --- OOps !!!

The Naughtiest One !!!!

The naughty one

U see the two of us..... in love always

Yes this is it... me dad, mom and BIG BRO !!!

The kids had fun on the horse... both together always together

That was good fun !!!

This is the complete family picture, though am missing in it.... :-)

Positive thinking

A friend is undergoing surgery as I write this, but she chose not to let any of us know about it. When the news inadvertently reached a mutual friend who called her to commiserate, she was not enthusiastic. She agreed to disclose it only on the condition that we do not call her. She wanted some peace and quiet, she said. This might seem an attempt to bury her head in the sand. But I know my friend's quiet courage and self-awareness too much to suspect this to be the motive. I figure that she wants to spare herself the concern, anxiety and false bonhomie all of us are bound to express. No matter how well meaning, such gestures are invariably fuelled by fear and dread, emotions that she could well do without. It made me think of the negativity we load our lives with and how counter-productive it is. Take the US-Taliban confrontation. Whether we feel anger at the Americans or at Osama bin Laden, or sorrow at the meaningless deaths, first of the Americans and now of the helpless Afghans, we flood the situation with negativity. What is needed instead is a dispassionate acceptance of the situation and a single-minded intention to resolve it. The single-mindedness is the key. So one-pointed should our attention be that negativity simply has no place in the scheme of things.

This state of positivity without an opposite is potent. Free of negating doubts or fears, one's attention focuses unwaveringly on the subject of our intention, knowing fully well that what we intend will happen. In my friend's case, for instance, where I would once be consumed by fear and call out to God in my helplessness, this state of positivity would indicate a steadfast intention for her healing. It may be accompanied by a prayer, but importantly, no longer in helplessness but with the calm self-possession of love. God shifts into the role of a helper and beloved friend rather than the omnipotent power He was earlier.
Surely this is the ground of all creation? The Upanishads reiterate that the Realized One can manifest anything he desires, simply by intending it. They also assert that this power of instant manifestation can only arise in one who has learnt to control his senses, overcome desire, fear and anger. What is it like, this state of positivity? What kind of life would we lead when immersed in it? I think it is a state of concentrated energy, for we will be freed of all the negative thoughts that steal away our energy and dissipate our focus. It will be a quiet and still state of mind, with no conflict, for the latter is the direct result of negative thoughts. It would be a peaceful and happy state of mind, regardless of circumstances. Most of all, it would be a highly effective state of the mind, for it would zero in on what needs to be done and do it. It would also be a tremendous force for good. No matter how hopeless or terrible the situation, the positive spirit will prevail, seeing the opportunities inherent in the situation and providing a beacon of hope for others around it. Serenely oblivious to the negative, it does not occur to him/her to falter or doubt, forging ahead regardless, confident in the ultimate good of things. The corollary is that the positive individual is also a black hole for the negativity around him. In his presence, the negativity dissolves and dissipates, never to appear again. How is it that negativity simply cannot touch such an individual? One could say that his energy is at a higher frequency than that of negativity, thereby shielding him from its influence. At the level of deconditioning, s/he would have bored through all that came between him and his blissful inner core. In other words, she would have transcended desire and freed herself of fear and anger. What is the relationship such an individual has between her intention and surrender to God's will? What if God does not want the peaceful resolution of the Afghan situation? I can only hazard a guess. The positivist operates from the stand that man proposes, God disposes. We never stop thinking positive, but we leave the outcome strictly in the hand of God, retaining with ourselves only the ability to see the positive in any outcome.

Positive thinking is not a new concept, but in recent decades it has been increasingly gaining currency among the global populace. There is almost a consensus on the value of consciously cultivating positive thinking for individual health, happiness and success


You can completely transform any relationship, no matter what it's like right now.
Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.
To transform every single relationship you have in your life:
Fall in love with YOU!
Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.
Know that you are perfect. Do not think any negative thoughts about you.
Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.
Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.
Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.
Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.
Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job.
Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy. Respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness.
Get your attention off those things in others that don't make you feel good.
Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.
Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.
Love and respect yourself completely.
Know that you are perfect right now.


Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Discover how to become a powerful magnet for the creation of personal wealth.
Relationships can be completely transformed, no matter what it's like right now. Learn how to transform every single relationship you have in your life.
Concerned about your health? Explore ways to open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health starting from wherever you are now.
READ THE SECRET .. to explore more

Sensex dips over 1000-pt; European mkts crash

Markets are witnessing fresh bouts of selling and have plunged further on the back of weak IIP numbers. European markets have crashed in opening trade, which is putting pressure on our markets as well. FTSE, CAC and DAX tumbled around 10% each.
The August Index of Industrial Production (IIP) stood at 1.3% as against 10.9% in same period of last year. Capital Goods growth was at 2.3% versus 30.8%, Mining growth declined at 4% from 14.7% and manufacturing growth declined at 1.1% versus 10.7%. Consumer Durables growth declined at 5.1% from 6.2%. CNBC-TV18 had expected August IIP numbers at 5.79%.
Reliance Industries, ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel, ONGC, Reliance Communication, NTPC, BHEL, HDFC, L&T and Infosys Technologies are major draggers to benchmark indices.
The two exchanges will halt trading if the Sensex falls 1275 points or the Nifty loses 390 points, which is 10% circuit.
The Sensex tumbled 1070 points at 10,257 and the Nifty fell 298 points to 3,215, at 12:38 pm. BSE Midcap and Small Cap indices lost 7-9%.
Not a single stock is in green on the Nifty Fifty and BSE Sensex Thirty.
Breadth is worst; about 475 shares have advanced while 2516 shares have declined. Nearly 192 shares are unchanged.
Capital Goods Index fell over 10.5%. Jyoti Structures, Elecon Engg, Punj Lloyd, Kirloskar Bros, Suzlon Energy, Kirloskar Oil, Alstom Projects, BHEL, Havells India, Siemens, Areva T&D and L&T fell 10-20%.
Bankex slipped 11%. ICICI Bank lost over 24%. Yes Bank, Axis Bank, Karnataka Bank and HDFC Bank tumbled 8-15%.
Telecom stocks like Reliance Communication lost 15%, Bharti Airtel -8.31%, Tata Communication -6.98%, MTNL -6.77% and Idea Cellular -2.89%.
Power stocks like GMR Infra, Reliance Infrastructure, Suzlon Energy, Reliance Power and CESC fell 10-15%. Power Index lost 9.4%.
Realty Index crashed 9.5%. Mahindra Life, HDIL, Peninsula Land, Indiabulls Real and Anant Raj Ind fell 11-17%. Parsvnath and Unitech lost 9-10%.
Metal Index fell 9%. Welspun Gujarat, JindalStainless, Gujarat NRE Coke, Sesa Goa, Jindal Steel and Tata Steel fell 10-17%.
Oil & Gas Index slipped over 7%. Aban Offshore, Cairn India and Essar Oil fell 11-17%. HPCL, Reliance Inds, ONGC, Reliance Petroleum and IOC lost 5-8.5%.


What is Public Relations?

You have news to share—information that would benefit the Linux community. You have some idea of the people you want to reach with your news and views. Now the problem becomes: How to reach them in the most effective way? The better the communications between you and your audience, the higher the profile of your organization.
Generating publicity is not as complex as you might think. Most of the success of public relations centers on knowing what to do and when. Implementing these initiatives can dramatically increase awareness of your business.
Public relations (PR) is often confused with advertising, merchandising, promotion, or any of a dozen other buzz words in the marketing communications vocabulary. (By the way, marketing communications is a broad term that encompasses all of these disciplines.)
Public relations is about doing something newsworthy that you want to communicate, and then telling your audience (or very likely, several audiences) what you have done.
One of the most common public relations vehicles is the brief "New Product" announcement you see in magazines and trade publications. Often only a few lines or a paragraph in length, these announcements herald the launch of future products or services. These short announcements are typically triggered by a new product release, which may be accompanied by various forms of communications such as internal announcements to the organization's employees and external news releases to the media, stockholders, user community, and other groups. News releases trigger a chain of events that result in visibility.
There are some important terms that may help you understand public relations. News media refers to all the places where people read or hear about news, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet.
A news release, sometimes referred to as a press release, is a printed or electronic document issued by organizations who want to communicate news to editors, journalists, industry writers, or other media groups. Journalists write about the story for publication (if it is considered newsworthy), while editors control whether the story actually appears in a newspaper, magazine, website, or broadcast.
A news release contains important facts, quotes from key people, dates that the news happened (or will happen), and contacts for additional information. The news release is concise and usually runs no longer than two pages.
Public relations, then, can be thought of as the process that delivers your news to the people you want to reach through a broad, influential, and far-reaching news media community.