Monday, August 31, 2015

Our Best.

Our Best. Life's been rather hard for us. We started as young couple, egged into an arranged marriage, not to sure of what or how or where life would take us. It’s been ten long years, not too sure where they flew. Somewhere along the way god graced us with twins – the twinkles in our eyes. Twins, a perfect family we are now. I look at my angels now and think what will their dreams be? My aspirations as a mother are to provide the best I can for them, but wil we be able to do the best we can for them? What do we do everyday to make them grow into great human beings? As parents sometimes wondering is enough to set us on a path of deliberation about whether our decisions are the best for our children or not. I know today we provide the best we can, but is that all they deserve? What can we do more everyday? The best school education, familial support? Or is it the extra classes they attend to help them excel? Is it the quality time we spend with them each evening to show them we care and that they are dearly loved? A child’s role in a parents life is to dream, and give the parents a goal for their aspirations. My children dream big, and I want them to. We were limited by times and means, but I will as a parent ensure my twins have their dreams come true as best I can. I guess that’s why they say, there’s no role that can define true love other than that a parent plays. And as a couple, we stand united, one unit – one family – to make our children’s hopes, wants and needs not just fulfilled – but ensured. We will give them – Our Best. Pay close attention to your child’s interests and nurture his talent early in life. You never know, he might be the next Sachin Tendulkar. Invest in your child’s future.